We have been catching up with a few friends and colleagues over the past week, and we got chatting to the guys over at Atomix Gaming. Interestingly enough, they told us all the details of their current business venture and they even allowed us to publish this write up!

Atomix Gaming are currently running a few gaming servers online, hosting Battlefield and COD games in the UK and US. However they are planning on branching out into a very different medium...and it isn't theoretical!
What they have decided to do, is after the success of their online gaming server, is to bring it to their local area. The guys have been deeply involved with local gaming clans and other regional gaming crews, and it seems they all have one thing in common:
The need for a local gaming centre to host tournaments, matches and servers.

This is already a very well-developed business model being executed in the states, for example the DeathCon convention which is held annually is a massive success with people travelling all over the world to attend. It definitely shows that the gamers are dedicated and are willing to travel!
The Atomix Gaming guys are planning on setting up something similar, obviously starting a lot smaller.
They plan on renting a location and kitting out all the necessary equipment...all they ask is you bring your own controller (you can rent one if need be). Tournaments will be a cross of multi-platform games as well as PC and console based games. 

For the full run down and more information than you could shake a stick at then check out the guys at the Atomix Gaming Centre.